
Posted by Sifriya at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sifriya at 6:54 PM 0 comments
After several weeks of roaming around SL and experiencing the many wonders it had to offer, I knew that writing about these experiences would be a natural extension. Char agreed with me those many moons ago, and hence, Sim-Patico was born. However, this is not the only blog I write, nor is SL the only thing on my plate these days - I'm sure we can all relate - and something has to give. After making a few adjustments, I had considered killing Sim-Patico, but I still greatly enjoyed sharing my experiences with the grid. Experiencing creativity inspires creativity, which meant I still felt the urge to create whenever I ventured back in-world. Since I don't have the time to be as involved as I used to be, and since I know the experiences and creativity out there are too numerous to count, I decided to open Sim-Patico up to outside writers.
Ever have that desire to blog about the under appreciated places or events of SL, or to log your journeys, but just didn't have the time to keep up a full-time blog? Well, here's your chance to dabble in SL blogging. The subject ranges can be wide and as varied as the grid itself. I want to continue the fun and random nature of this blog so it remains a fun place to pop by now and again if you need some SL inspiration or a suggestion on where to go next.
If you would like to join the writing team, you will need a Google gmail account (nice to have one with your avatar name), and some writing experience. Just drop me a line about your interest, writing style and subjects you would like to cover, and I'll invite you as an official poster to the blog as well as add you to our new in-world group: Sim-Patico Writers. One thing I ask...while we are all adults and have some adult interests, please try to keep things more towards the PG-R realm. I don't mind some romantic and a bit of saucy subjects, but no hard core sexually based material please. Otherwise, anything goes, venue features, fashion tips, poetry, journal entries, serious issues, etc. Consider this free form SL blogging!
Come on! Think about how much fun we'd have with your unique contributions! You know you want to :-)
Feel free to send me questions as well....until next time,
Posted by Sifriya at 9:30 PM 0 comments
So I finally went to see James Cameron's Avatar last weekend, and while it was beautiful and a nice story, I didn't become an avid fan like so many these days. In my opinion, it was a little too much like Dances With Wolves, except with blue Native Americans. However, I couldn't help but think about SL while the gorgeous CGI in 3D was drawing me into this new neon world. I knew SL residents would be hard at work trying to re-create the landscape and avatars, but I wasn't prepared for the work they have accomplished in such a short time!
Upon hearing the first rumors of actual blue Avatars roaming around the grid, I knew Pandora would be there as well. Due to the well known adage "when in Rome", I couldn't possibly visit a Pandora without first transforming into a Na'vi - the blue natives that inhabit Pandora (this is important to know if you want to explore these newly created worlds). Shopping was the first step, and as I searched for Avatar or Pandora or Na'vi in the classified section, I was blown away by the multiple listings. As I perused the various offerings, I was reminded of the fact that transforming one's avatar from human into a different being is not cheap and rather involved. Yes, there are a few free Na'vi shapes and skins out there, but once I got to Pandora, I was glad I spent a few extra Lindens to get a higher quality shape and skin. But don't forget the hair, and the clothes and any accessories, such as a weapon - yes, a weapon is something of a necessity as I found out. One silver lining - no shoes necessary!! My total bill for shape, skin, hair, clothes, feather earrings, bow and arrow set was around L$3000.
Once I looked presentable, I went in search of a Pandora to visit. This 'Pandora' search term in the 'places' category turned up several results. There are multiple Pandoras across the grid and most are role-playing sims. This is why looking your best and being prepared with props (such as a weapon) are important before exploring these beautiful sims. I should note that this is my very first encounter with a role-play sim in SL. I knew they existed, and I had some experience volunteering in a history conference on Renaissance Island which required a script and a speech in character, but I knew that true role-playing sims meant business. The dedication necessary to truly enjoy a role-play sim is evident upon arriving at any of the Pandora welcome centers. The notecards are chock full of background character information. In some cases, Na'Vi language specifics are also included. Each Pandora has an option to enter as a visitor complete with tag to remind the permanent residents not to shoot you and be patient with your awkward skills. In the end, becoming a permanent resident requires a mutli-level commitment: character appearance (Na'Vi or human with air mask), character substance (what role or tribe - scientist, soldier, warrior, healer), knowledge of the social dynamic, complex weaponry with life level monitors wore at all times (DCS2), and patience to learn the ropes.
Unfortunately, patience is not something I had in abundance. I looked the part and explored several Pandoras with my visitor tag held high, but in the end, I knew I didn't have the dedication necessary to enjoy these new places to the fullest. The richness of the new sims are worth the effort to get in as a visitor. Sometimes part of the fun was just figuring out which parts of the landscape were based on the movie and which were completely new creations meant to enhance the idea of Pandora. If you are a true fan, you will love the idea of becoming immersed in Pandora, and you will not be disappointed with such examples as the Spirit Tree and those nifty spiral plants that disappear into the ground the minute you get close to them. Some of the lush neon forests are amazing, and in one Pandora that was a little less forest and a little more open landscape, they surprised me with the lovely detail of each step lighting up as I walked across a limb. This proves that even the lesser traveled Pandoras are worth a visit to compare the differing attributes and disseminate which would be the best fit for you (one of the most visited Pandora regions is produced by a German group with mostly all dialogue in German as you hang around - something to consider when trying to become part of the tribe).
No matter what you do with your time in Pandora, the visit is worth it, and it may help relieve your post Avatar depression. One other thing to consider, who knows how long these sims will be up and running before Cameron really digs into the money making structure behind such largely popular sims....or until Linden gets worried about copyright. Which is a shame because the residents have put so much work and creativity into creating these marvelous destinations and props, although I don't think that will be taken into account when they shut them down someday. Due to this possibly transient nature of the places I visited, I am choosing not to include any Slurls in this post. You were given the search terms I used above to locate the Pandoras that still exist throughout the grid.
Until next time and a more normal color,
Update 2/9/10: Even though I have not been back to any of the Pandoras since the writing of this post, Pandora Magic recently ejected me from their group (I promise I wasn't in there making any trouble!). This leads me to warn you that this particular sim might have an activity minimum to stay a part of their group.....or they didn't like my blog post :-)
Posted by Sifriya at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sifriya at 9:49 PM 0 comments